The Silver Lining is a complex cigar that delivers carmelized notes of cinnamon and coffee throughout. Aged 15 years, this 100% Cameroon wrapper provides the ultimate cigar experience for the most discerning connoisseurs.
The Silver Lining is a complex cigar that delivers carmelized notes of cinnamon and coffee throughout. Aged 15 years, this 100% Cameroon wrapper provides the ultimate cigar experience for the most discerning connoisseurs.
Silver Lining
The Silver Lining is a complex cigar that delivers carmelized notes of cinnamon and coffee throughout. Aged 15 years, this 100% Cameroon wrapper provides the ultimate cigar experience for the most discerning connoisseurs.
Size 6*54
The Silver Lining is a complex cigar that delivers carmelized notes of cinnamon and coffee throughout. Aged 15 years, this 100% Cameroon wrapper provides the ultimate cigar experience for the most discerning connoisseurs.
Size 6*54
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